Sea Kayaking

Whether you want to test yourself with large sea crossings or you want to explore the caves and wildlife from a new vantage point we can offer skills courses to let you explore our seas by sea kayak.

Introduction to Sea Kayaking

This weekend is perfect for those who have dreamt of exploring our sea by kayak. This will give you a chance to take your first paddle strokes in a kayak and will give you the chance to develop your skills and confidence.

No experience is necessary, day one will start in a sheltered bay or on a local Aberdeenshire loch to allow us to develop basic skills and get to grips with the boat. Day two we will either take to the sea to explore the stunning North East coastline if conditions allow or a local more sheltered venue.

The weekend cost will be £160 which includes your kayak, paddle, buoyancy aid, spray deck and wetsuit.

Further Sea Kayaking

This is a perfect opportunity for anyone who’s been on to our Introduction courses or has been sea kayaking before to explore more of the North East coast line.

Based on forecasts we’ll choose a section of coastline new to the group with an opportunity to explore the sights, develop our paddling skills and see the wildlife.

The day will be £80 which includes your kayak, paddle, buoyancy aid, spray deck and wetsuit.

Our next date for this is the 9th of May.

Bespoke Coaching and Leader

We can offer bespoke trips for individuals, couples or groups from one day trips, a weekend through to week long adventures, just Contact Us and let us know what you are looking for.