Safety Courses

We offer British Canoeing and bespoke safety training courses.

BC Foundation Safety and Rescue Training

This a full day looking at the how to stay safe and keep your group safe while out on the water. We will look at shout, reach and throw rescues as well as covering rescues from all types of crafts such as canoe, general purpose kayak, sea kayak and SUP.

This course is a very good opportunity to learn new rescues and polish existing skills before being required to use them for real.

If you are looking to go on to the BC Paddlesport Instructor the FSRT is a pre-requisite for this.

The full syllabus is available here. British Canoeing have also produced a series of videos supporting this course which are here.

The cost for the course is be £60 per person.

BC White Water Safety and Rescue Training

This course gives important knowledge for all of us venturing onto white water in canoe, kayak or SUP. It gives you the skills on how to stay safe yourself and how to resolve problems if things don’t quite work out as planned.

The two days covers the rescues that may be required more regularly as well as exploring those that may require a bit more thought and more equipment.

The full syllabus is available here. There are a few resources to support this, Chris Brain has produced a great book, Safety and Rescue Essentials which can be purchased or downloaded as an ebook for free here! Franco Ferrero also wrote White Water Safety & Rescue available here. Bruce Jolliffe and Dougie Shannon also produced a DVD with the same title that covers all of the course syllabus available here.

Don’t feel you need to buy any of them, we will cover it all on the course!

The cost for the course is £130.